Eco Arts: Studio Verissimo designs stunning furniture from discarded coffee stirrers

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Eco Factor: Furniture made from recycled plastic stirrers.

Coffee might not actually be a beneficial addition to your diet, but those who don’t want to sacrifice a cup of hot coffee after a tiring day at work, should think about the environment when they stir their coffee for a perfect blend with plastic spoons. Plastic takes hundreds of thousands of years to completely decompose and the dependence on plastic has already damaged the planet. With people becoming aware about the environmental impacts of most items of daily use, designers have sought an opportunity to use all that trash to make stunning pieces of art that we all love.

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The folks over at Studio Verissimo are reusing plastic coffee stirrers, hundreds of which are being used by an average person annually, to make stunning pieces of furniture to grace your interiors. The designers have crafted everything from chandeliers to chairs from the same raw material and have painted it in three different colors to suit the requirements of a wide range of homeowners.

Via: Re-Nest

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