Eco Arts: Artwork from rejected materials becomes a means of environmental activism

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Eco Factor: Artwork created from recycled materials.

Creativity knows no boundaries, and be it any type of artist each has its own work area and appeals to a unique sector of people and minds. Artwork too depends on the artist’s mind set. While some create it from expensive materials others depend on the use of rejected and refused materials to solve the same purpose. Eco-artists mainly try to show the worth of recycling and materials which are no longer in use.

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Artwork has often been used as a means of environmental activism and promoting a sense of clean world among the viewers. Tokyo Wonder Site is investigating the possibilities of rejected materials and drift rubbish as an avenue for creative exploration through a series of artwork by artistic environmentalists.

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Participants include some renowned names such as Fuji Hiroshi, Ohmaki Shinji, and Yodogawa Technique. The artwork being displayed at the Global Environment Information Center (GEIC) in an exhibition called “Is it Waste?” includes masterpieces that are made of pigments, felt, nonflammable cloth, fluorescent lights, acrylic cases and more.

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Via: DesignBoom/iGreenSpot

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