Eco Arts: Architect envisions modern cities in harmony with their surroundings

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Eco Factor: Sustainable cities of the future make developments a part of the surroundings.

Eco-minded architect and self-proclaimed utopist, Luc Schuiten, is trying to bring the cities of the future in harmony with their surroundings, which will enable the residents to live close to nature by being an integral part of it. The architect’s Vegetal City installations are currently on display in Brussels.

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The architect believes that nobody feels good living in the light of environmental pollution, and his architectural drawings of modern cities help people change their habits and live in a truly green world. The displayed drawings include Lotus City, Woven City, Treehouse City and the City of Waves.

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According to the name each drawing carries, the cities also features habitats made up of a vegetal mesh that is formed by the roots of trees wrapped around the host tree. As the roots of the former tree grow, a building can be built into it. All the buildings are made using bio-textiles that capture the sun for energy, just as trees do.

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Via: Inhabitat

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