Eco Architecture: ZNCH – A carbon-neutral housing project for the urban world

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Eco Factor: Carbon neutral housing project runs on solar energy.

This era belongs to architecture, and we’ve seen some really ingenious ways architecture can go green. Here is another similar plan by architect Carl Burdick. The architect has proposed a Zero Net Carbon Housing (ZNCH) project that makes its inhabitants live with minimum impact on the environment.

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Designed for a dense urban site, the housing complex carries several technologies that could maximize their performance. The sustainable housing complex will provide space for retail stores and a restaurant.

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The multi-story architecture carries a skin covered with photovoltaic cells. The building is aligned in a fashion that the solar panels can get the most out of the sun all through the year. The building also contains several open areas that let in natural light and air to minimize the load on the building’s solar façade.

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