Eco Architecture: SESU Seastead makes oceans a sustainable real estate option


Eco Factor: Floating residential complex uses passive solar techniques.

The Seastead Design Contest witnessed a wooing and unusual architectural design by Marko Jarwela. This foresighted Estonian architect believes that oceans can be a promising real estate option. A house in the middle of the ocean sounds amazing and this can be a reality if the mini-society design developed by Jarwela materializes. This futuristic design is based on the principle of self-sufficiency.


This sustainable mini society will seek minimum input from the outside world. It will be powered by the passive solar technology and vegetation will be done throughout the platform not only to feed the dwellers but also to maintain climate. The principles of aerodynamics and hydrodynamics have been utilized to survive the vagaries of the weather conditions of the sea and also to develop the ability to sail the open sea.


The SESU Seastead (SElf SUstained seastead) could not grab the grand prize at the competition but won the $250 prize for Aesthetic Design, and who knows, one day we all actually own a seastead house in the open sea.

Via: Inhabitat

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