Eco Architecture: ‘Module-Home’ for green and congested living

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Eco Factor: Home made from 100% environmentally-responsible materials.

Recently we have seen some extra-ordinary prefab designs catering to both luxury and the bizarre needs of mankind. However, such houses do help the environment in one way or the other without costing a fortune. Apart from being environmentally responsible, these houses can be constructed in a few months and don’t even ruin the neighborhood with construction debris.

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Module-Home is another way you can enjoy green and sustainable living without spending too much. The modules have been designed with 100% ecofriendly and renewable materials. If money is no problem for you, the designers will also include various green technologies in your module, which include: solar panels for electricity and heating, rainwater harvesting systems for fresh water, water saving systems and interiors with solvent-free paints. With all that in place the houses are priced at €750 for every square meter.

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The Dark Side:

The houses, though ecofriendly, are not very big. Rooms are designed to multitask, which can be a menace for those of you who are accustomed to living in large homes.

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Via: Tuvie

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