Eco Architecture: Durham County Council to develop ‘Eco-Village’ on a £1 site

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Eco Factor: 26-hectare site to be converted into an eco-village that harnesses renewable energy.

A section of Lafarge Cement is likely to be sold to Durham County Council for just £1 as part of a plan to build an ambitious “Eco-Village.” The council’s cabinet has to approve the transfer of ownership, which requires a sun of £1 to be legally binding.

The Eco-Village will include a spa, hotel and sustainable residences. The development will create about 150 new business investment jobs and a further 200 within the visitor and hospitality sector. The Eco-Village will cover an area of about 500 football pitches and will include systems to harvest all five forms of land-based renewable energies including solar, wind, biomass, hydroelectric and geothermal.

Via: BBC

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