Eco Architecture: Cyprus House incorporates all that we always wanted

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Eco Factor: Concept house makes use of renewable power sources for all energy needs.

Italian Architect Massimo Iosa Ghini is working on a concept house design that incorporates a multitude of eco-technologies that assure to keep the carbon footprint of the residents to a minimum. The concept is intended to be used in the creation of a new residential area in Cyprus.

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The concept is making use of passive and active eco-technologies. Adjustable solar panels, rainwater harvesting and recycling, and storage heating system for winters – you name it and this house has it. The walls are treated with photo catalytic materials that convert all harmful organic and inorganic materials into harmless compounds.

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The Dark Side:

The design is still in the concept stage, but incorporating multiple green technologies such as low E glass panels, photo catalytic compounds on external walls all would add to the cost of this house. And with the world already going though an economic crisis at the moment, we don’t see many interested buyers unless Iosa Ghini can figure out a way to deliver all that at a low cost.

Via: Contemporist

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