Eco Architecture: 600m tall dragonfly wing designed for New York

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Eco Factor: Sustainable ecosystem inspired from dragonflies.

You might hate the humming sound of a dragonfly as they whistle past your nose when you’re preparing a nice barbeque, but architects at Vincent Callebaut seem to be so obsessed with them that they’ve planned a 600m tall dragonfly wing-shaped structure to green New York’s skyline. Known as the Dragonfly, the vertical farm is designed to span 132 floors and can accommodate 28 different agricultural fields for the production of fruit, vegetables and dairy items.

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The superstructure offers space for offices, research labs, housing and communal areas, which are spaced between orchards, farms and production rooms. The space between the set of steel and glass wings is used to take advantage of solar energy by accumulating warm air during the cold winter season. During summers plants and other vegetation provides the necessary cooling.

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The 100% self-sufficient ecosystem collects rainwater using the exterior vertical gardens, which is then mixed with domestic liquid waste. Together is waste is treated and reused in the farms. Apart from producing water and food for the inhabitants, the structure has been designed to be kept off-the-grid with wind turbines and solar panels generating the adequate energy.

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Via: Dvice/DesignBoom

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