Early earthquake detecting listening device: It warns of a landslide by monitoring soil vibrations

landslide image neil dixon

UK researchers have invented a new gadget that can save thousands of lives each year. With the increasing frequency of earthquakes, this new device is sure to bring a sense of relief to the inhabitants of earthquake prone zones.

The device can provide early warning of a landslide by monitoring vibrations in soil, and the area can be evacuated according to the warnings. It is a unique gadget for countries that experience sudden, heavy rainfall triggered by earthquakes.

The device is developed by Neil Dixon and his team at Loughborough University, UK. It takes the form of a steel pipe, which is dropped into a borehole in a slope. Gravel around the pipe fills the borehole, and this help transmit the high-frequency vibrations produced by particles within the slope.

The vibrations generated pass up the tube, and is picked up by a sensor on the surface. And to determine if there is a forthcoming earthquake, software analyses the vibration signals.

Via: New Scientist

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