Discarded airplane fuselages resurrected as Mobile Arctic Research Station

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Eco Factor: Concept research station to be built using MD-80 aircraft fuselage.

The MD-80/DC-9 series of jets are losing their place within the fleets of the world’s major airlines, due to the development of more efficient and large aircraft. Researchers predict that within a few years, most of these aircraft will be retired, which will lead to 12 million kg of waste.

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Industrial designer Carl Burdick has come up with a concept research station that will reuse the fuselages of these aircraft, as they are lightweight and can withstand wind speed of over 300mph. Dubbed the M.A.R.S, or Mobile Arctic Research Station, the station is an exercise in sustainability and advanced technology utilizing a recycled aircraft fuselage.

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The station will be equipped with renewable energy generators including vertical axis wind turbines and solar panels that will generate all the energy it requires. The space under the main deck that holds the luggage and the fuel tanks will be reused to contain a snow smelter, heating and ventilation systems.

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It will also feature a water pump, water filtration system, gray water recycling system and a bank of lithium-ion batteries that will be charged by onboard renewable energy generators.

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Via: Krop

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