DiCaprio shells out $3,200 for an eco-friendly toilet!

eco toilet dicaprio

Luxurious and eco-friendly, what more can anybody ask for? To gossip and also get some useful information won’t really harm, right! Let’s take a peek at Leonardo DiCaprio’s (Titanic fame) bathroom (to be more specific, the toilet he has got installed in his bathroom). No, he won’t mind either!

Leo is obviously amused about his new toilet. The remote controlled Toto Neorest 500 toilet is the newest thing hitting the bath fittings market. Its compact size allows it to be fixed to even small sized bathroom. Equipped with a smart-sensor design and water-saving technique, it boasts of an integrated washlet warm-water personal cleansing system. The Cyclone Flush Engine also features timed cleaning mode with automatic dual flush water conservation modes. It has an automatic lid (one touch operation, and we talk about touch screens?) that warms up and simply invites the users. Do you have any more wishes left?

Well, its also has a built-in deodorizer, so no stinky poo’s anymore. I don’t blame either Leonardo DiCaprio to fall in love with this smart toilet. Or, his fellow Hollywood actor Brad Pitt, who went one step ahead, and donated such toilets open-handedly for 150 homes. DiCaprio had to spend $3,200 to get this toilet fixed, but who bothers about the price with such luxury!


Via: BHL

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