Cruise Car introduces ‘All American’ line of solar electric low speed vehicles

all american low speed vehicles

Eco Factor: Solar electric cars made using up to 50 percent recycled or certified re-manufactured parts and materials.

Cruise Car, Inc.
has proudly introduced a line of solar electric cars that will be showcased at Solar Power International 2010. The automaker has rolled out the new “All American” line of 15 solar electric Low Speed Vehicles (LSV), which are made using up to 50 percent recycled or certified re-manufactured parts and materials. Manufactured in the U.S., the LSV line cars are built with welded aluminum space frames using custom aluminum-alloy extrusions.

With the LSV line, Cruise Car aims at providing high quality solar powered transportation that would bring down greenhouse gas emissions significantly. Featuring Eco Trans Alliance’s Sunray Solar Tops, this new line is reliable, efficient, have extended driving range and will be rust-resistant. The All American models are said to be the most efficient solar electric vehicles in the world. One of the biggest targets for the All American car is the U.S. military. As many as 30 LSV’s were shipped to the U.S. Navy base in San Diego last week.

Via: DomesticFuel

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