Color changing gazing ball soaks up the sun and lights up your garden

solar powered gazing ball qfoAb 5965

Most of us avoid installing gazing balls in our garden for fear of running up a needlessly massive electricity bill, but all that could soon be a thing of the past as a bunch of developers have already racked their brains about the issue and have come up with an eco-friendly and economic solution in the form of the new Solar Powered Color Changing Gazing Ball, that features a single LED light and uses the power reserve created by 3 built-in Ni-Cad batteries recharged by a solar panel. The best thing about the design is that the solar panel can be hidden upto 14 feet away from the light itself so you’re not stuck with a freaky, futuristic looking light in the middle of your garden. And since the light is mounted on top of a stone-like weatherproof molded resin pillar with verdigris-like finish, the gazing light actually adds a lot of classic Victorian charm to your garden as well. With just 6-8 hours of sunlight, the lights can glow for a good 6 hours in the nighttime in upto six different colors making you garden look like some sort of a fairytale paradise!

Source: Mobile Ratty

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