Cleaning wastewater with peanut husk!

it takes peanuts to clean water

Cleaning or treating wastewater now comes at a peanut price, almost literally! Earthnuts, goober peas or monkey balls whatever you call it, peanuts are liked and are a part of diet in almost every part of the world. But, what is irritating about it, are the husk which kids usually litters while popping one into their mouth.

It is also the food industry’s one of the largest waste products. While, on one hand, it is a litter and waste for many, and can even create worries by clogging and dirty water and drains, on the other, researchers have discovered some real novel use of it, and that too, for the cause of the environment – i.e. help improve water quality on the contrary!

Thanks to the Turkey’s Mersin University researchers. They have found that peanut husk can potentially remove 95 percent of the dissolved toxic copper ions from wastewater! Copper in high levels can not only harm humans, but also threatens marine ecosystems.

It is thus, sure to provide a simpler and cheaper alternative to wastewater treatment – as it is found naturally as food industry waste-by-product – thus, serving the dual purpose of cleaning the environment.

Via: DNA

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