Chandigarh Rock Garden: A modern equivalent of the Taj made from recycled materials

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The quaint little mosaic garden built by a once humble transport official Nek Chand in a jungle in the hidden part of the north Indian city of Chandigarh, today stands as a valuable testament to the power of imagination and the way a true artists can transform junk into art. Built entirely from industrial waste and thrown away ceramics, the Rock Garden came into being as a leisurely pastime taken up by Nek Chand who cleared a patch of jungle to make himself a little garden.

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When the sculptures came into the notice of the authorities, Nek Chand was officially commissioned to expand the garden in a larger area, which of course resulted in over twenty-five acres of land being covered in several thousand sculptress set in mosaic courtyards complete with walled pathways, deep gorges, huge building and even a series of interlinking waterfalls.

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Acknowledged as one of the modern wonders of the world, the Chandigarh Rock Garden attracts over 5000 visitors each day and is perhaps the most stunning bit of art created in India after the completion of the Taj Mahal.

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Source: Haute Nature

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