Cannondale uses iPod to “urbanize” your bike

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Normally, your humble old bicycle wont tell you if you have been pedaling tirelessly for over an hour on route to the office and that a brash cabbie is about to give you’re an almighty thud from the rear. But Cannondale have an innovation that can remedy the above above-mentioned problem in a jiffy. Thanks to a lovely new iPod design, even your rusty old bike turns into a state-of-the-art machine and hits you with all kinds if interesting stats while you ride like the speed at which your going, the distance you have covered, the calories you managed to burn as well as handy rear view beaming images back from a camera mounted at the back of the bike that lets you “see” the traffic conditions behind you. The good thing is the pod runs on power generated by the crank as you pedal away, so you don’t spend anything extra on keeping the gizmo charged. But then again sticking an iPod on your bike might make it more attractive to parking-lot-side thieves so you better be prepared to shell out major cash for a new bike and iPod every few months or so.
Source: Cool Buzz

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