California on its way to house its largest rooftop solar project

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Its not only limited to environmentalists anymore. Even governments are working various out ways of harnessing alternative energies to provide power their populace. In the next five years, Southern California will boast of sun-sized projects that will empower them to generate electricity on a utility scale. Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and Southern California Edison have projected the country’s largest rooftop solar installation project ever proposed by a utility company. Just how are they going to manage it? For the cost of $875 million, Edison is going to start placing solar panels on the 65 million square feet of box-store rooftops in the Riverside and San Bernardino areas. Commencing in August this year, this 250 megawatt project will be initiated by installing 1 megawatt of solar panels per week for roughly the next five years. That’s enough energy to power 162,500 homes based on the utility’s estimate that one megawatt would serve about 650 average homes. Arnie (Schwarzenegger) states that “These are the kinds of big ideas we need to meet California’s long-term energy and climate change goals. If commercial buildings statewide partnered with utilities to put this solar technology on their rooftops, it would set off a huge wave of renewable-energy growth.” Right said! Can we still call him a Terminator or its time we nicknamed him has the Generator?

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