C. F. Møller Architects transform unused silo into a residential sky rise

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Eco Factor: Sustainable residential development.

In Denmark there are a number of centrally located industrial silos, most of which are no longer in use, but still clog the skyline. C.F. Møller Architects along with Christian Carlsen Arkitektfirma have found a way to transform the silo complexes into modern residential developments using recycled materials.

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The architects have transformed a former silo complex into a rural 3000sqm high rise. Dubbed Sil(o)houette, the development features 21 residential apartments. The new residences are a mix of single-story flats and maisonettes, ensuring that the people in the lower levels have views of the countryside.

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The actual silo contains staircases and lifts, and provides the base of a common roof terrace. Around the tower, the apartments are built upon a steel structure in distinct forms that protrude out into the light and the landscape. The unique nature of the high rise makes sure that each and every apartment is filled with natural light whether placed to the north or south of the silo structure.

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Via: World Architecture News

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