Building Fuel-Free Vehicles: Solar Powered Bike!

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Going Solar with vehicles seems to be our unsaid motto of the day here and we have are frantically finding new ways and places to fit solar panels on to and in front of vehicles. At least that is the way it seems with all the vehicles flowing in and this one is a very primitive and practical attempt at building a simple solar powered vehicle. This might not be very fancy but then it need not always be fancy to be useful.

This Solar-Powered vehicle is built with the solar panels both on top of the vehicle and in front of it with a mesh that acts as the supporting structure for the panels. What is both interesting and funny to see is that they left the grill in the place where they might cut out a portion for the sake of windshield. But I guess its not going to affect the visibility in any shape or form.

It is nice to see more such ventures and it probably will encourage more people to take up such stuff. Just goes to show that it need not be too fancy to be of any use!

Via: solarvehicles

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