Brian Dettmer, the uber artist makes skeletons out of recycled cassette tapes!

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Brian Dettmer is known for sieving through antique books, piles of obsolete map to uncover the perfect cure for his conceptual exploration and sculptural dissection.He alters the materials removing and manipulating elements allowing new interpretations and ideas to surface. With the accuracy of a surgeon the creator uses tweezers, scalpels and some other medical equipment to chisel each design.

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Coming up with something new every time is definitely challenging but he never fails at his task. This time he has put the dusty cassette tapes to best use by redesigning them into skeletons which will be displayed at the International Museum of Surgical Science.

I mean this is definitely an awesome way to put the nearly extinct old cassette tapes to a better use. So bring it on!

Via: TrendHunter

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