Boston Fern: Naturally Removes Indoor Air Pollutants

boston fern

Are you worried about indoor air pollutants – especially the poisonous formaldehyde? Here is a solution – not in the form of a chimney or an exhaust mechanism. It’s something natural — it’s a fern commonly called the Boston Fern or Nephrolepis exaltata. And it’s the plant that’s the most efficient at removing formaldehyde.

The fern is a spreading plant, and is often grown in hanging baskets or similar conditions. The leaflets are in a clearly alternate pattern. The fonds of the fern may be three feet long and span six inches, each pinnae being about three inches. The pinnae– the small “leaflets” on either side of the midrib, are generally deltoid. The pinnate vein pattern is also visible on these highly compound leaves with the edges appearing slightly serrate.

Via: Gotoreviews

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