BioBus – A mobile science laboratory running on renewable energy

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Eco Factor: Science laboratory powered by biofuels, solar and wind energy.

After receiving his Ph.D. in biology from Columbia University in 2007, Ben Dubin-Thaler continued his research in building a vehicle that could bring science education to communities devoid of such facilities. Dubin-Thaler wanted his work to be green, and he achieved his target in a carbon-neutral science class onboard a bus, which he calls the BioBus.

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The BioBus is powered entirely by biofuels, solar power and an onboard wind turbine. Based in NYC, the BioBus completed a tour of the Midwest last year and is headed back to Chicago this spring for the annual BIO Convention. According to the developer, more than 12,000 students boarded the sustainable bus, which is run by the nonprofit Cell Motion Laboratories.

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Via: Treehugger

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