BioBike- Biodiesel Plied Motorbike Occults 100 Mpg Barrier


In the current year 2007, Panasonic organized World Solar Challenge in which 40 squads participated from the corners of the globe. This event is taking place in Australia and will cover the region from Darwin to Adelaide which is 3000 km apart. The race will see the GreenFleet Technology Class which promotes the internal combustion vehicles as well as the most eyed BioBike. BioBike is a biodiesel powered motorbike which protects the environment from the hazards of the pollution.
BioBike is not only environment friendly but also fuel economized which runs 96 kms and returns with only 2.2 kilometers/100 kilos. This was made by a group of students in Australia. Everyone knows about the comeback or the fine publicity that the diesel powered cars get over the petrol cars because of its less fuel consumption still we do not see much of the diesel motorbikes because it is futile to create something which doesn’t make any gumption when sales are concerned.

According to the BioBike project team leader Heidi McNamara says in military areas and farms, motorcycles are more preferred than cars where diesel is exploited to run every vehicle. The use of biodiesel is because of the fact that it is not only environment friendly but also because of its sustainable nature and a better engine cleaning solvent than regular diesel.

BioBike’s engine and transmission are gibed to new and improved Husaberg Enduro frame, so the material body of the bike consumes all the top rated gear from White Power and Brembo in all the correct places. Undoubtedly it’s heavier than a donor bike, but while running it’s very lightweight making it an ideal road-going bike.

Presently, there is no commercialization involved with this bike. But there is an arousing interest in the Asians manufacturers and farms owners and other people who have seen and realized the benefits of the BioBike.

Via: Gizmag

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