Autonomous Unmanned Aerial Vehicles to track pollutants

autonomous unmanned aerial vehicles

Look at that fleet of aerial drones. They are not meant for an exhibit or a test ride of new models. These aerial drones have a nobler ambition than these. They are made to propel through the pollution-filled skies over the Indian Ocean, to track pollutants responsible for deteriorating Earth’s atmosphere.

Led by the Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California, San Diego, the research consortium behind this is funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF). As informed by Scripps scientist V. Ramanathan, it is in the vicinity of the Maldives, the autonomous unmanned aerial vehicles (AUAVs) completed 18 successful data-gathering missions.

The data generated during the flights over the island chain nation south of India, will be able to reveal details not only on how pollution particles cause dimming, but also on how it contributes to the formation of clouds! The cloud in turn amplifies the dimming caused by the pollution.

Via: Science Daily

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