
NEC develops fluorescent light-powered wireless spy camera

Organizations or for that matter any one who is interested in keeping a tab on its employees/ people in general can now do so very easily courtesy of NEC, which is set to debut a new security cam that draws all its power from a standard fluorescent…

Citroen Nemo Concetto: Disney-themed eco-friendly car

It looks straight out of World Disney. Yeah. One look at it, and you take it for granted that Donald Duck will peep through the window any moment. And if you have seen Pixar, you wouldn’t allow anybody to try to convince you that it is not a…

Earthrace Speedboat- The coolest green machine!

‘Racing round the world for a better planet’; that’s the slogan they are using for Earthrace. It’s a sleek, silver, 78-foot speedboat painted with a tattoo design. Earthrace is not your standard petrol-guzzling powerboat. Its jaw-dropping looks…

Micro Wind Turbine, Not really worth the effort!

Ok, so till date we were so consciously looking for an alternative to fossil fuels that we actually overlooked the hazards that such methods could possibly cause. One such important issue is about the micro wind turbines, designed to suit the cities..

Used toner cartridges recycled to garden furniture

Have you been feeling good about using a re-manufactured cartridge because the firm manufacturing it advertised that they are doing the environment a favor by remanufactured cartridges?

Stop and think. What when you are done with using the…

Moser Baer rewriting a solar future in India

A 1 to 5 megawatt solar farm would be built for a photovoltaic unit in western Rajasthan by the New Delhi based Moser Baer India. This is a project of $25 million and a written agreement was signed between Moser Baer Photovoltaic and Rajasthan…

HP’s new venture – 1 Megawatt Solar Rooftop

HP plans to install a new rooftop SPV system at an HP facility in San Diego California USA, which will be up to 1 Megawatt capacity. This puts it at roughly 63% of the Google system recently installed. They have signed a contract with SunPower to…

Biomethane Gas Fuel From Organic Grass

The number of on-road vehicles is increasing day by day and so is the demand for fuel. Fuel is non-renewable mineral resource and we have to find out an alternative to it. Even with the existing fuel consumption it is very difficult to go much far…

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