Architects plan shipping container infrastructure for California

(RE)configured Assemblage

Shipping containers are generally used in shipments or at best the old shipping container are used for storage in huge godowns but now a New York based practice, along with XP& Architecture, is planning a huge building parallel with the long beach of California which will link the City of Long Beach, Long Beach Blvd and Broadway Area. The project is named as ‘(RE)configured-Assemblage’.

The idea is to create a huge space for people to nurture communal relationships and interaction at a big scale in the boulevard. The shipping containers will be interlocked in such a way that this pattern will generate open courtyards to enjoy sunny days and soft breezes coming from the beach. The four stories of the urban landscape will have provisions of art galleries, shops, cafes and even an educational center to create a compact place for visitors to enjoy their leisure in a holistic manner.

While the building has been designed to be solely made for the purpose of entertainment and fun, the developers have not forgotten to create this entertaining space in a responsible way. Various eco friendly systems have been integrated in the design of the building. The outer skin of the structure is made entirely from unfolded containers which are suitable for South California climate as this layer helps in protecting the interior container from excessive sunlight. The inner skin of the containers help in saving on HVAC consumption and helps in natural ventilation through out the building. Besides, the green roof of the containers and the recycled gray water help in nurturing and watering plants. Moreover, re-adapted containers have also been used as furniture/planters, which will be installed at the edges of the building on the ground floor.

Via: Designboom

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