American students toil hard to build solar powered houses

Solar Decathlon House

The world is witnessing a growing concern among its population about the eminent global warming problems. What if the largest contributor after industries could itself be made to take a 360 degree turn? Would it not be an absolute wonder if rather than talking about just a solar heater or a solar lamp or a solar cooker, we could instead talk about a whole house structure that would run solely on solar energy? We are approaching the fulfillment of this dream. This is evident from US Department of Energy’s initiative for cleaner and greener energy. The Department has organized a Solar Decathlon Contest which requires building houses powered by solar energy.

A total of 20 college teams have been selected for the final round. The department has offered each team funds of $100,000. Middlebury College students are one of those 20 finalists. And they have been toiling hard since the past two years to build a solar house. Students are working for around 10-12 hours a day.

The house designed by Middlebury students has everything that one can imagine to have in a decent living place, in fact a finished, touched, posh home. It features a living area, two bedrooms, a bathroom, study room and kitchen. It also has a loft and dinning corner. The students have given a true face to industrial shelves that turn the front part of the kitchen into greenhouse. The aim behind this construction is to allow one to fetch vegetables in less time and easier manner.

However, the project has its part of challenges too. Students say that they will have to spend more than the amount given. A major part of the Project is fundraising and marketing. Another challenge is that they would have to take the house all apart, truck it to Washington, D.C. and put it all back together again on the National Mall, a mammoth task which would tax out a lot of the team’s time an energy.

Well, for challenges, they have always been part of the reward. So for a sweet reward, it is acceptable if the challenges pop out a few hogs and logs. Winners are supposed to be announced on 1st October. We wish all the sweet luck to all the students who had been burning midnight oil to fight out their way to the ultimate platform.

Via: VPR

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