Architect conceptualizes renewable energy power plant for Dubai

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Eco Factor: Power plant harnesses wind and solar energy through different methods.

In an effort to provide renewable energy to people living in Dubai, Egyptian architect Karim Elnabawy has conceptualized a sustainable power plant that will harness renewable sources of energy for clean electricity. Christened the Metallica Towers, the sustainable power plant takes advantage of Dubai’s harsh weather conditions to harness wind and solar energy through different methods.

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The design features two large towers that are mounted on a circular metallic surface. As the sun heats up the air, hot air ascends through the tower while powering wind turbines. At the same time solar panels, which are installed on the entire surface, generate renewable electricity as well. The wind-exposed facades of the towers incorporate several filaments that oscillate with the wind and produce energy as well.

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Via: Evolo

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