American Navy tests algae biofuel-powered gunboat

algae based biofuel for us navy gunboat

Eco Factor: Algae-based biofuel used to power gunboat.

The US Navy has tested a 49ft gunboat that had algae-based fuel in its tank. The test, which has been hailed as a new milestone in the creation of a new, energy-saving strike force, went without a hitch with the gunboat running “just fine”. During the test the experimental boat was powered by a 50/50 mix of algae-based fuel and diesel.

The tests conducted are part of a much broader drive that aims to power 50 percent of the navy fleet on a mix of renewable fuels and nuclear power by 2020. The navy also plans to roll out its first green strike force by 2012, which will include a group of about 10 ships, submarines and planes, which would run on a mix of biofuels and nuclear power.

Via: Guardian

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