Airship Traveling five-star flying hotel powered by solar energy

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Eco Factor: Solar-powered airship concept serves as a flying hotel.

Working to design a five-star mobile hotel, industrial designer Thomas Rodemeier has come up with a concept dubbed the Airship Traveling. Instead of having portable living-modules, the design features a closed loop system in the shape of an airship, which assures high level of comfort and flexibility.

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The airship can stay aloft and can also provide the opportunity for long term stay on the ground. For landing the airship deploys its telescopic anchor-foot which is secured on the ground, while the lifting gas keeps the dome aloft. In this position the airship turns automatically around the fulcrum to a favorable wind direction.

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In case of a long term say, the onboard helium is exchanged with oxygen. The living-space and the floor area can be increased for use. The airship features an array of solar panels mounted on its roof that generate all the energy this mobile hotel requires.

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Thanks: [Thomas Rodemeier]

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