ADPI’s Malé International Airport: Where ‘green’ architecture complements ocean backdrop

Male International Airport

Maldives – luscious islands offering nature’s bounty and an endless horizon where the sea and sky appear inseparable – is a truly blissful landscape and a tourists dream escapade! Keeping the beauty of the Maldives in mind, ADPI have designed the new Male Airport in a very eco-friendly and sustainable manner where the architecture blends in well with the sea.

The architects at ADPI have designed the new building that looks like the floating sail of a ship – if viewed from a ground level – and it resembles an archipelago if seen from bird’s eye view. The materials that have gone into making this amazing airport are sustainable – for instance, the inner face of the roof is lined with bamboo – which is grown locally and is used in Maldivian architecture.

The new airport at Male will also be accredited with the LEED Silver Certification that makes it a ‘green’ airport that has incorporated sustainable and eco-friendly measures in the operation of the premises in a bid to reduce environmental damage and carbon footprint. Various eco-friendly measures would be carried out at the airport in various areas pertaining to energy management, water management, construction material, etc.

The airport would be using the Seawater Air Conditioning (SWAC) technology wherein cold seawater would replace the regular refrigeration devices. The architects have made sure that the apron’s airport terminal building, runways, and taxiways do not exceed limits causing harm to the coral reefs. The Male International Airport would surely be a sight to see as it rises above the horizon without causing any environmental turmoil in the otherwise pristine and natural surroundings.

Via: WorldArchitectureNews

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