A very functional solar shade that looks good too!

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Australian design firm Buro North has teamed up with Victorian Eco Innovation Lab to come up with this smart looking solar shelter called the VEIL Solar Shade. The VEIL is one big solar panel which looks like a king cobra’s hood and is made up of organic materials. This little measure will definitely keep the green brigade happy. That apart, the VEIL can be easily adjusted to maximise it’s solar energy tapping ability simply because of it’s very light construction.

To enable you know the best position of the Solar Shade for maximum energy tapping, you have an array of LED lights that turn red and green. Red indicates lack of solar energy and green indicates more than enough solar energy. This handy contraption has a huge range of applications from bus shelters, school yard shelters to even a space for vendors to peddle their wares.

Now, it remains to be seen whether the VEIL can be made sufficiently economical to cater to the populations of the under developed and developing nations of the world. If that can be achieved, we have a surefire winner on our hands.

Via: joshspear

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