A peek at Nacelle, the colossal part of wind turbines

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How many of us are aware of the basic fact that Wind is a form of solar energy? Ok at least most of know that wind power is used to generate electricity via wind turbines. Again not many of us actually know about (technically) how these turbines make electricity. Well I am not going to pen down about the whole working of the wind turbines now, but I certainly want to bring your attention to this out-of-space like object called nacelle. It is a piece of housing that contains the gearbox and generating components. The huge holes are where the blades connect to the gearbox. And this one is bought to you by Spanish wind power giant Acciona from their 3MW turbine to Houston. This rocket-like structure is actually just a part of the wind turbines, so you can estimate the mammothness of them too.

Via Greendaily

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