A new device to create electricity using wastewater treating bacteria

device for industrial use

Similar to a hydrogen fuel cell, here is a new device that creates electricity using bacteria for treating wastewater. Thanks to the environmental scientists at Washington University in St. Louis for inventing this eco-friendly device for harvesting renewable energy.

Fed continuously, it is electricity producing microbial fuel cell — called ‘up-flow microbial fuel cell’ (UMFC). Unlike most microbial fuel cells, this device works with chambers atop each other, and not beside each other.

The upflow microbial fuel cell is a promising wastewater treatment process and has, as a lab-scale unit, generated electricity and purified artificial wastewater simultaneously for more than five months.

With population growing and energy resources depleting worldwide, production of energy from wastewater should be a high international priority, scientists predict.

Via: Whats Next Network

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