Eco Gadgets: Pantech Boo boomerang converts rotational energy into electricity

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Eco Factor: Concept device harnesses power for motion to recharge batteries.

Of all the possible ways renewable energy can be generated, motion energy seems to have the most possibilities. From using running shoes to meditation balls to generate energy, industrial designers have figured out a lot of ways renewable energy can be harnessed without making any change in a person’s lifestyle. The latest design comes from Ji-youn Kim, Jeon Hwanju and Yang Soonyoun who have designed a boomerang that recharges AAA batteries.

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The concept device, dubbed Boo, is a boomerang with an electricity generator built into it. As the boomerang rotates, it harnesses rotational energy and converts it into useful electricity to recharge a maximum of three AAA batteries that too are placed inside the device. Not really sure about the number of throws required to get a complete charge, but the system does include a dynamically changing icon that indicates the charge levels.

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Via: YankoDesign

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