8 Eco-Friendly Practices for Day-to-Day Life

8 Eco-Friendly Practices for Day-to-Day Life

Have you ever wondered whether some of the things you do every day contribute to a negative impact on the environment? Well, believe it or not, the answer is yes—from cooking and washing clothes to being in the office–so many of your daily activities cause pollution. But all is not lost. There’s a lot that you can do to help change that. If you make environmentally friendly choices wherever possible, you can no doubt contribute toward making the world a better, healthier place to live. For sure, it can be overwhelming to try to change everything overnight, but it’s not necessary. You can still make a big impact even with small steps.

Here are a few easy changes you can make in your everyday life:

1.   Reduce your electricity consumption

Reducing your electricity consumption not only lowers your monthly electricity bill but also prevents water and air pollution and conserves natural resources, making your carbon footprint on the environment less significant. You can reduce electricity consumption by letting in natural light wherever possible, turning off lights whenever you leave a room, and using energy-efficient light bulbs. It would also help if you washed clothes in cold water instead of hot water in the washing machine and let them dry on a clothesline in natural sunlight rather than using the tumble dry option. Furthermore, some electrical devices like personal computers, electrical kettles, and television sets keep sucking energy even when switched off. So, it would be best if you unplugged them altogether.

2.   Recycle

Recycling is a simple habit that you can incorporate into your life. Metal, plastics, glass, and paper are some common recyclable materials. Most of our home appliances can also be reused, so instead of sending them to landfills, why not give them a second life? The key here is to know which materials can be recycled and separate them accordingly. Just about all paper products can be reused, except those containing metal or plastic, similar to how some plastic types can be recycled and others cannot. Plastic with polystyrene terephthalate, such as water bottles, can be recycled, whereas those containing polyvinyl chloride cannot. The same holds true for recycling metal and glass. If this sounds complicated and you’re unsure how to do this, you may want to engage an eco-friendly garbage disposal company to handle it for you.

3.   Create a garden

Most people are aware of the many benefits of a home garden, but one benefit that would surprise them is how much it actually helps the environment, especially when done organically. Gardening cleans the air and soil. Plants, through their photosynthetic and respiratory processes, absorb any bacteria, chemicals, or potentially dangerous substances that are floating in the breeze and filter them into waste products like oxygen and water. Also, their roots absorb any heavy metals or toxic chemicals that may be present in your soil. This is most definitely a plus, especially considering how large humanity’s carbon footprint is today.

To create your own garden, you need to start with the basics. Learn about the plants that can be grown in your area and how to take care of them. Ask your family members or friends if they can give you advice. One of the best options is to turn to neighbors for help. First, they live in the same area with you. Second, if you need their help, they will be able to come and assist you. If you have just moved in, for example, and don’t know those who live nearby, find their contact details on Nuwber.

4.   Use eco-friendly cleaning products

Most conventional cleaning products with foaming agents, preservatives, or detergents are made out of toxic chemicals that result in water pollution when they end up in rivers and streams, damaging biodiversity. Making the switch to all-natural cleaning products, whether you buy them or make your own with a combination of bicarbonate of soda, lemon juice, and vinegar, significantly reduces the risk of exposure to toxic chemicals for yourself, other humans, and the environment.

5.   Switch to solar energy

Solar energy is radiation from the sun that can create heat, trigger chemical reactions, and generate electricity. It is renewable and can play a huge role in reducing the emissions of greenhouse gases and stopping climate change, which is extremely important for safeguarding animals, people, and ecosystems. Because you’re able to generate your own sustainable, reliable, and low-maintenance source of energy from sunlight, there will be a significant reduction in your energy bills. Solar energy doesn’t release any emissions, nor does it produce noise or air pollution. This can significantly enhance the local air quality and, as a result, have positive effects on respiratory health. Solar energy can also be paired with electric heating systems for hot water and heating.

6.   Travel efficiently

Many of us are guilty of driving our cars everywhere, especially when we’re the only ones in them at the time. As convenient as it may be, it is very harmful to the environment. Carpooling, taking public transportation, riding a bike, or walking are all better alternatives to driving solo. You can also opt for a more fuel-efficient vehicle—hybrid or electric. Due to the high levels of CO2 emissions produced by diesel and gasoline-powered vehicles, these vehicles play a significant role in global warming. While hybrid cars are more environmentally friendly, they use a combination of an electric motor and traditional combustion fuels, running primarily on an electric battery until the power runs out, then the gasoline-powered engine kicks in. Electric vehicles, on the other hand, don’t release any air toxics, gas pollutants, or particulates, and are therefore the most environmentally friendly mode of travel.

7.   Buy local

Buy local as much as possible. Buy your vegetables and fruits from local farmers and support other local businesses. Online shopping is prevalent in today’s society and has a detrimental effect on the environment. Supermarket-bought items have to travel thousands of miles to get to you, creating emissions through refrigeration, transport, and across production processes. Also, the plastic wrapping of these items ends up in landfills.

8.   Avoid single-use plastics

It feels like everywhere you turn these days, you see plastic. Plastic pollution is a global problem. It can mess with natural processes and habitats, making it harder for ecosystems to handle climate change, affecting food production capabilities, the livelihoods of millions of people, and social well-being. By limiting your use of disposable plastics and using reusable versions, you can help save the environment.


We, people, are responsible for the well-being of our planet. That is why we need to take up eco-friendly practices that will mitigate the consequences of constant destructive actions. It’s important to reduce electricity consumption, recycle, plant trees and flowers, use eco-friendly cleaning products, switch to solar energy, travel efficiently, buy local, and avoid using plastics.

With the help of these tips, you’ll be able to make an impact.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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