To move from one place to another, different people use different kinds of transportation. Most of us use the conventional ways like cars, aeroplanes, ships and boats. But all these forms consume lots of fuel and are, definitely, not environment friendly. To move around in a fuel-free way, you need to use the age old ways of getting around like bikes, skateboards and scooters. Here, however, we are not interested in the old school but some new innovative ideas which may look bizarre but are as green as they get. They go on to prove that if we rely on ourselves for moving around, we can go wherever we want to. Here, we give you a list of 5 strangest way of going around.
1. Powerisers
These are a newer version of the age old stilts. They have just been spring loaded and called Powerisers. They are called so as they give you a superhero like ability to walk, jump, run, or even leap high in a single motion. The springy leg extensions make it easy to move faster and bouncier with more fun and danger.
2. The HumanCar
It has four seats for four passengers who have to push or pull the levers to generate speed. It can actually reach speeds up to 60 mph when going downhill. It is legal and you should not be surprised next time you see one passing by.
3. Champiot ultra
This is another unique creation as it combines rowing with cycling. The Champiot Ultra is a quad-cycle which relies mostly on your own arm power to create the perfect drive. The manufacturers of this bike claims that it can be driven not just for fun but can actually cure ailments related to insomnia and even gall bladder stones.
4. Pedal powered pub
How about this unique way to pedal and make merry. Well, you get both together in this odd creation which is also a weird form of transportation, where you pedal along as you drink your beer. Here the people traveling have to pedal to their destination and the fun part is that you do it while drinking your favorite drink. This amazing idea has already started in London, San Francisco and various other places in and around the globe.
5. Aquaskipper
So, you thought that you could not hop in and out of water without sinking. Well, the AquaSkipper is just your savior. This wacky gadget can reach up to about 17mph. Keeping it afloat is a workout, but doing so is worth your while.