360 Vodka: The true spirit of environment!

360 vodka

Now even Vodka gets eco-friendly! The whole of the industrial world is moving towards a more eco-friendly production system which involves use of lot more recycled material. It’s a great sight for all those who are lending there voice to the cause of a greener future. Vodka is not a subject that I have any fair idea about, but I do understand that it generally works as well as an anesthetic on the surgeon’s table. In fact, I wonder many times why suspected criminals are subjected to various tests when you can just get them drunk & get the truth out. But then, that little injection I suppose does the same job anyway.

Getting back to the issue on hand, Vodka 360 is branded as the first environment friendly vodka & is being produced by a company named McCormick Distillery. It is said that the product is 80 proof & is 4x distilled & 5x filtered. The company claims that 85% of the glass that is used to make the bottles of the vodka is from recycled glass. The company also uses a very eco-friendly program to pack the bottles. The company also launched the program of giving away a dollar for every closure returned to designated environmental organizations.

Now as I have said earlier, my knowledge of vodka is very limited. (Whom am I kidding; let’s just say “my knowledge is very limited”) But what my not so bright mind can understand is that this company uses recycled glass & rewards its users for being environmentally conscious. I think the “reward” part is very important of the whole process. Initially we need to lure people in to a good deed & once it becomes a habit, they do it themselves. It is the same marketing principle that Cigarette makers & alcohol makers have been using since long. But now it is for a good cause.

So how does this Vodka 360 taste? Stupid question to be asking. Buy some & taste it yourself & send in the reviews. Before you leave, here is another great company that produces fine wine in a fine way. Just Click Here & you will not only know more about the wine but also see some magic with words, by yours truly of course.



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