10 futuristic concept car designs powered by self-generated energy

Antro Solo

By the rate at which transportation is going green, soon cars powered by solar, wind or other forms of renewable energy will be a common thing on roads around the world. The biggest benefits of such vehicles would be that one would not have to visit the refueling stations and it would also cut down on the emission of greenhouse gases that the gas guzzling vehicles of today are well known for. Here is a list of 10 such concept vehicles which would be powered by self-generated energy.

1. The Peugeot Shoo concept:

The Peugeot Shoo is a concept vehicle of triangular shape, fitted with solar panels on the roof. The solar panels transform solar energy into electricity that runs the engine. The design of the car is inspired by a boat and thus it has greater aerodynamic design features compared many other concept vehicles.

2. The Koenigsegg Quant:

Swedish automaker Koenigsegg recently unveiled their Quant concept at the Geneva Motor Show. The car utilizes the most unlikely combination of energy sources – solar and pyrite. The car is said to have a range of 300 miles and takes only 20 minutes to fully recharge

3. Mercedes Benz Formula Zero:

Mercedes Benz entered the Design Los Angeles Challenge in 2008 with their solar powered concept car, the Formula Zero. The car had electric motor fitted on each of its four wheels. The car was powered by a battery that got its power from the aero-efficient solar layer fitted above the car.

4. Antro Solo concept:

The Antro Solo concept was designed by a team of Hungarian engineers. This particular concept is powered by a combination of solar and gas electric energy. The roof of the car is fitted with solar panels that can power the car on short distance trips of 15-25 Km. On longer distances, the Antro Solo is powered by a small gas electric engine. The car can even be run by the foot pedaling of the three passengers sitting inside the car.

5. The Aiolos wind powered car concept:

The Aiolos concept has been conceived by South Korean designer Kyoung Soo Naa. The car resembles a yo-yo in shape. The car is fitted with a large fan that constantly produces electricity from wind to charge the electric motor of the vehicle. According to the designer, the car has the potential to reduce pollution in Seoul in the days to come.

6. P-Eco concept vehicle:

The P-Eco concept car has been designed by industrial designer Jung-Hoon Kim. The car has an all-electric engine that is driven by a battery that uses piezoelectricity to charge itself. The car has been fitted with multiple chords that vibrate to produce electricity when the car is in motion. According to the designer, the use of piezoelectricity will give the car more range than electric vehicles powered by lithium-ion batteries.

7. The Lotus Eco Elise:

The Eco Elise was unveiled at the British Motor Show in 2008 by British carmaker Lotus. Although the car runs on gas, it has been fitted with solar panels that powers the various electrical systems onboard the vehicle. The Eco Elise is quite low in weight thanks to the use of lightweight materials on its body.

8. The Italdesign Giugiaro Quaranta:

The Quarantra concept from Italdesign Giugiaro uses solar energy to power its electric motors. For this purpose, the car has been fitted with numerous solar panels positioned on the roof and front end of the car. Electronics of the car was developed in partnership with Japanese auto giant Toyota.

9. Midier solar powered concept car:

Designed by Siyang Liu, the Midier concept car looks very different from concept vehicles. The USP of the Midier is that it is fitted with solar panels on top which provides energy for the car’s all-electric motors.

10. The Mindset Six50:

The Six50 is powered by solar energy. The solar panels fitted on the roof of the car converts solar energy into electrical energy that charges the car battery. On a single charge of its battery, the Six50 can travel for 100 km.

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