Concept Rocking Chair harnesses movement to generate electricity

concept rocking chair by shwan kim 1

Eco Factor: Concept chair captures kinetic energy to produce electricity.

Industrial designer Shawn Kim has come up with a concept rocking chair that harvests the kinetic energy produced when the chair is moved backwards and forward to produce renewable electricity. The chair has been based on the “watch movement” mechanism and includes a generator that converts all kinetic energy into usable electricity.

concept rocking chair by shwan kim 2

The electricity produced by the chair is stored in a battery which further powers a radio with 2-channel stereo speakers and LED lighting. Moreover, the energy can also be utilized to recharge your cellphones and PMPs. The chair will be made using recycled materials and will have a body finished in stainless steel and carbon fiber.

concept rocking chair by shwan kim 3

concept rocking chair by shwan kim 4

concept rocking chair by shwan kim 5

concept rocking chair by shwan kim 6

concept rocking chair by shwan kim 7

concept rocking chair by shwan kim 8

Thanks: [Shawn Kim]

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