Zaha Hadid seeks LEED Platinum for petroleum research center

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Eco Factor: Energy-efficient complex to generate renewable energy.

Yesterday we reported about Geotectura’s proposal for an eco-friendly gasoline station and today we have similar news from the house of Zaha Hadid Architects. Designers here are aiming for LEED Platinum for a new King Abudullah Petroleum Studies and Research Center (KAPSARC) to be built in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

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The campus will house research and development facilities on energy and environmental exploration and analysis. The building is designed as a crystalline structure composed of modular six-sided cells that are interconnected. The facility will also have a series of shaded outdoor spaces, gardens and underground tunnels.

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While developing the complex, special emphasis will be given to sustainability, and several green building techniques will be utilized to achieve the prestigious LEED Platinum certification. The use of shading and natural ventilation will help keep the indoor and outdoor spaces cool, while natural light will further reduce energy demands. Moreover, photovoltaic panels will also be integrated to provide renewable energy to the complex.

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Via: Inhabitat

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