Get more juice out of your Li-ion batteries with nanotechnology

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Just as researchers in Germany have developed non explosive Lithium Ion batteries, Chinese scientists from Shenyang National Laboratory for Materials Science have developed a new way to extend battery life of Li-ion batteries, which unfortunately haven’t kept up with the demands of the fast changing communication devices. The Chinese scientists have determined the usage of carbon nanotubes and sugar, yes you heard it right, sugar, to increase the battery life of Li-ion batteries. First, the scientists used chemical vapour deposition to deposit carbon on silicon to form carbon-silicon nanotubes. Then, they used sugar to coat the carbon silicon nanotubes with another layer of carbon. The sugar coated Silicon-carbon nanotubes showed a discharge capacity of 727 mAH per gram compared to 363 mAH in non-coated silicon-carbon nanotubes. This effectively proves that sugar combined with silicon-carbon could indeed extend the battery life of Li-ion batteries. Now, let’s hope that this technology makes it to batteries very soon and lets us use our electronic gadgets for longer.

Via: goodcleantech

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