As an environmentalist nothing excites me more than systems
that are clean. What excites me today is this zero emission ‘Hydrogen Super Highway’. It is a migration of municipal infrastructure which is necessary for all the environmental governments around the world. The hydrogen super highway is a first of its kind fully integrated solar powered hydrogen production and distribution with a high speed magnetic levitation public transit network. Such a system has been designed by NEWTY Award recipient Justin Sutton. He calls it the Interstate Traveler. The first leg is slated for construction in Michigan
in 2008. The Interstate Traveler, also known as the Interstate Traveler Rail, is accessed by Traveler Stations that are built within the right of way of the Interstate Highway within the land
locked real-estate of the clover leaf interchanges providing maximum ease of access for people who live anywhere near
the Interstate Highway.
The system is the least expensive and most universal form of
public conduit to move people via maglev technology, and simultaneously provide structural conduit for the distribution of electricity, portable water, liquid waste, fiver optics, hydrogen, oxygen, and where applicable, other liquid and vapor based fuels
The Interstate Traveler Project plans to consolidate public
utility disbursement into a mass produced and affordable product supplied to municipalities’ world wide.All nations face the same infrastructure dilemmas (there is over crowding, urban sprawl, public utility failures, traffic jams, car accidents, utility poles that are easily damaged by bad weather, and backed up sewer systems that contaminate local public waters) , that is why the Interstate Traveler is a truly global enterprise for a truly global need.