Wooden Bicycle – An Eco-friendly alternative to Metal!

wooden bicylcle

The rate at which metals are being used to make various products, is directly proportional to the time it takes to get degraded meaning that, metals literally take generations to get degraded which is as good as saying they are non-biodegradable. Ofcourse, the stuffs made out of metals are of high utility but every thing faces a day when it needs to be disposed. Wherever, we throw them they are eventually bound to reach one of the natural elements. It is being non-pragmatic to suggest an alternative raw material to every product that uses metal. I could think of a few alternates to certain products, but not this one.

A group of students from a German University built a bicycle out of wood. They seemingly used timber to construct the frame. However, from the picture it is explicit that tiers are still rubber which is yet another non-biodegradable material. There is another hitch – using wood means felling trees and that doesn’t sound like a green enough either. May be I would call this bicycle partly green. Apparently, the group also built a car out of Beech wood.

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