Wind energy reaches portable cellphone chargers

wind energy

Gone are the days when bigger energy-eating machines were considered better, this is the era of renewable energy and lately the market remains flooded with gadgets that run on solar, wind and other renewable energy sources.

Orange, a well known U.K.-based telecommunication firm has announced plans to launch The Orange Mobile Wind Charger that comes with a mini wind turbine that latches on the top of a tent and stores power in a separate control box that users can plug into when their mobiles run out of juice.

This compact charger needs a charge of about 12 hours to completely juice up your cellphone in just 2 hours. Not only can the charger juice up your cellphone but can be as efficient in charging other devices such as your iPod or your GPS unit. This device can do wonders for camping enthusiasts who won’t be missing any calls when they are in the laps of nature. No news on the price and the availability of the charger, stay tuned in for more info.

Via: Groovy Green

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