Wind-catcher: Let your house ventilate naturally

windcatcher design of 1857

With the summer in, the concerns for soaring electricity bills are also increasing. Then why nor go for natural ventilation of the soothing breeze through your home? Just try a windcatcher, called Badgir in Persian. IT is a traditional Persian architectural device and is used for centuries to let the buildings ventilate naturally.

It is not known, where the idea came from! But, never mind. What is important is that it is still seen in many countries today. Found in various designs, such as the uni-directional, bi-directional, and multi-directional, the windcatcher functions on the basis of difference of height between base and tip.

And whenever a breeze or wind passes through the tip of the windcatcher, the difference creates a slight pressure gradient between the base and tip. This pressure gradient helps lift rising warmer air leaving the cooler air behind at the base. Hey! Is not the mechanism interesting?

Via: Wikipedia

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