What future does our mobiles phones give to the planet?

dumping of mobile phonesDo and will mobiles and mobile technologies impact our planet leading to pollution, rather global warming? The answer in brief, is “hugely.” According to Gartner, there are 2.15 billion mobile users globally! And it is by 2009, as much as 2.6 billion people will own a mobile.

Though the number seems little, compared to something concrete, the magnitude of it can be revealed:

* Accumulating a pile of 2.6 billion mobiles would need a space of 20 000 kilometers high above ground

* Most present day mobiles weigh 100 grams approx. And that means 260.000.000 kilograms of plastic, metal etc. substances!

* With an average lifespan of a cell phone of only 12-18 months, there are more than 3 billion dumped mobile phones by the end of this decade!

* Mobiles come packed in boxes with chargers and printed manuals. And this multiple the waste piles many times thicker and heavier.

So, this picture helps us assess the impact our mobile phones can make on the planet in just a decade to go.


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