Weedmaster – Methanol fuel cell powered robot for weeding

weedmaster methanol fuel cell powered robot for we

Eco Factor: Concept robot relies on methanol fuel cell for carrying out simple weeding.

With the aim to make the weeding process extremely easy and environmentally friendly, the Swiss industrial designer Fabian Zimmerli envisions a concept robot that would rely on a methanol fuel cell to do the task. While a GPS system takes care of navigation, a digital image recognition system helps the robot to differentiate between the plant and weed.

weedmaster methanol fuel cell powered robot for we

The robot contains a rotating tool that cuts weeds with extreme precision – both beside the rows and between the plants in a row – and that too, in an energy efficient way. If you intend to pick over an outsized farm, you seriously need to employ a pack of such robots that keep interacting through a network. Needless to say, it will go on to reduce man-hours and costs for herbicides.

weedmaster methanol fuel cell powered robot for we

weedmaster methanol fuel cell powered robot for we

weedmaster methanol fuel cell powered robot for we

Designer: Fabian Zimmerli

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