Weaving eco-friendly magic with plastic

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Plastic is one substance that has made its way in to the lives of people the world across with relative quickness & refuses to go away because of its very special properties. Even before we completely comprehended the dangers of plastic & how drastically it could effect the environment, it had already found its way in to every household & market place across the world. Considering the economic implication of producing an alternative product that could equally replicate the material & be eco-friendly, it might just stay much longer than anyone of us might like to admit.

Christian Kocx is a young designer from Netherlands who has taken the waste produced by an injection moulding machine & has created some of the most exquisite looking decorative items one would ever find. The collection is called ‘Non-Woven’. This collection of chairs & other decorative items not only look beautiful but also are stylishly shaped giving you an illusion that they are woven out of bamboo. They have been made from unwanted bits of plastic from an injection moulding machine & hence one can understood the design.

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The effort is really commendable as it saves lot of plastic which might have been otherwise been in the dump. The design is original & should encourage many other designers to take up such a task. The exhibits have been displayed in the furniture fair in Milan this year & have received some critical acclaim. Designs like this surely make the world a greener place. The decorative lamps or the chairs or the other furniture in the collection are value for money, even if they were just plain & simple designs which were made out of newly made plastic. Hence this collection becomes all the more special.

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Via: Dezeen

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